The Power of a 'Tomorrow List'

The Power of a 'Tomorrow List'
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 / Unsplash

I recently noticed that my daughter has been telling me what she wants to do the next day before bedtime. This got me thinking about my own goals and life. She has said things like "tomorrow I want to craft _____" and "tomorrow can we _____." She wishes she could do these things instead of sleeping but are not things she can't do during the day.

Like many kids, my daughter doesn't always want to go to bed. But what stood out to me is that I am the same way. I have always been a "night owl," staying up late to play video games or watch car reviews on Youtube, or binge Netflix, but also able to get work done. For example, I spent three hours building a website last night until 2 am. Sometimes that's the best time to put on some music and focus on a task.

Here are my "tomorrows do's":

  • Tomorrow I will pray when I wake up🙏
  • Tomorrow I will workout when I wake up💪
  • Tomorrow I will build that site that I have been thinking about🏗️
  • Tomorrow I will make that song in my head🎶
  • Tomorrow I will clean the whole house like a tweaker🧹

I learned a productivity secret from an old boss named Ed Krafchow. He told me to focus on just one thing and set sub-goals. I didn't fully understand this advice until I followed it five years later.

I've tried a lot of productivity tools and apps, but the one that worked best for me is Todoist. It allows you to set tasks and review them at the end of the day or week. It's available on all platforms, which is essential to me.

Another tool that has helped me is a paper productivity planner. It helps me plan my week with primary goals, tasks, and sub-items and review them. I'm not setting up an affiliate program for this paper product, but here is the link if you're interested.

If you ever feel like you're missing out on your day, you could have forgotten to write it down. Consider trying out a productivity tool or just using a post-it note to write down the one thing you want to do today. It could help boost your motivation and sense of accomplishment.

If this post has been confusing, it is because I have so much to say about it. I want to tell you multi-tasking is a lie, I want to tell you about how my tomorrow wish list is just like my daughters, and I want to tell you that I have a solution and only sometimes follow it. I think the point is nobody is perfect, and we need to work on one thing at a time and be okay with having an extensive to-do list. Mine works when I work it. Otherwise, I freak out and build websites at 11 pm.

Oh, and happy New Year.