Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Photo by Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

Thursday, I heard someone say "Merry Christmas, and if saying that offends you, Merry Christmas." My inner instigator enjoyed it.

Earlier in the day, I volunteered at the dreidel station for my kids' class. They were learning about Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. It was fun. And the kids had fun.

What matters most to me right now is tradition. I want to make sure that what we do is remembered by my daughter and carried on to her children someday. For Christmas Eve, we plan to do a fun Bulgarian tradition (not limited to just Bulgaria) that involves baking bread with a coin inside.

If we did lighting candles or handmade gifts, I would be down with that too. I do not care. I like that we have time to be together and honor some traditions.  Except for that elf on the shelf. I hate her.

So what are your holiday traditions?

Ps. there was no post last week. Thank you to those that reached out and checked in.