Don't sleep on HighNote

Don't sleep on HighNote

This excellent tool called HighNote came across my desk some time ago. It confused and impressed me all at the same time.

In its simplest form, HighNote is a unique-to-the-viewer presentation sent via email that can track which materials they viewed and clicked on.

What confused me was how simple it was, but that's what makes a great product. Simplicity is definitely what many tools and experiences lack in our industry.

When was the last time you tried to send an email with many attachments, and how do you know if they viewed them all? With HighNote, you send a link and know exactly what was looked at and what wasn't.

Tell me something that does this right now. I'll wait…

"We are all looking to get to a presentation the fastest way. What is the shortcut?" -HighNote founder Mark Choey

I hope I didn't just ruin the context of that conversation, but his point is clear.

Sure, you could make your own little Squarespace website and send it to people, but what HighNote does is create a unique presentation per person. You can't scale Squarespace like that. You can also make a general presentation, send that link out, and collect an email address, so you know who they are when they visit and view.

Here are some sample uses of HighNote that I've seen:

  • Listing presentations
  • Buyer presentations
  • New development presentations
  • Agent presentations for prospects
  • Loan product presentations
  • Market updates
  • Valuations
  • Brokerage recruiting presentations
  • Team building presentations
  • Open house binders
  • General lead capture pages

We might have to do a demo on each of these at some point...

Do not be discouraged. The setup is effortless. You can start with some of HighNote's content in their library or build your library to reuse your materials per presentation or package.

If is just a folder, then Highnote is a link in an email. But we both know that they are far more than that. Highnote is a powerful tool to help you give your audience a more personalized experience. From tracking their activity to displaying your tailored presentation, it's an excellent way to give your audience the best experience possible.

If you want to try HighNote, there is now a trial offer to check it out. I suggest you click the link to get started.